Oil And Gas Extraction & Petroleum Geology
Understanding the 3D pathways and localized compositions
- Understanding the 3D pathways and localized compositions to provide an estimate of potential yield for a prospective drilling site
- Performing analysis on many of the conventional sandstone and carbonate reservoir rocks
- Distribution, dimension, shape and connectivity of pores
- Rock microstructure in a fraction of the time needed for physical fluid flow measurements multi-length scale characterization approach,
- In-situ experimental set-ups, such as flow cells
Sub-micron XRM of partially water-saturated silica granules. Water (purple), pores (not shaded), and silica (orange) are segmented without the use of additional contrast agents for the liquid. Sample courtesy of F. Kim and D. Penumadu, University of Tennessee at Knoxville.
Carbonaceous chondrite meteorite that landed on April 22, 2012, at Sutter’s Mill, CA. Iron or iron sufide (yellow) in a matrix (blue) containing Mg, Si, Al, Ca, C, and O. Image width = 9 mm. Courtesy of Prof. Qing-Zhu Yin, UC Davis.
2D and 3D volume rendering visualization of sample. The area marked with orange lines in (a) has been selected and reconstructed for 3D visualization shown in (b) and (c); (d) pore volumes obtained from micro-CT images; (e) pore throat network; (f) different clusters of the connected pore volumes are shown in different colors. (Source: "A review of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography applied to petroleum geology and a case study", Penghui Zhang et al, Micron Volume 124, September 2019, 102702.