Industrial Metrology

For post-production inspection

  • Dimensional metrology
  • Production and post-production control
  • Quality control
  • Analysis of components in their assembled state

Application Examples 011

Dimensional measurement of a smartphone camera lens module, in its assembled state
(Source: "High-Precision Metrology with High-Resolution computed tomography using 3D X-ray Microscopes", Herminso Villarraga-Gómez et al).

Application Examples 012

Clipped and transparent view of the tip of a fuel injector nozzle showing measurement of internal cavities.
(Source: "High-Precision Metrology with High-Resolution computed tomography using 3D X-ray Microscopes", Herminso Villarraga-Gómez et al).

Application Examples 013

Clipped and semi-transparent view of a small plastic connector featuring dimensional measurements.
(Source: "High-Precision Metrology with High-Resolution computed tomography using 3D X-ray Microscopes", Herminso Villarraga-Gómez et al).