Additive Manufacturing

Defect detention and characterization within additive manufactured parts as a key to efficient and effective process development

  • Detailed shape, size, and volume distribution analysis of particles in Additive Manufacturing (AM) powder bed to determine proper process parameters
  • High-resolution, non-destructive imaging for microstructural analysis of AM parts
  • 3D imaging for comparison with the nominal CAD representation
  • Detection of unmelted particles, high-Z inclusions, and voids
  • Surface roughness analysis of inner structures that cannot be accessed by other methods.

Application Examples 008

Imaging of different A205 AM powder qualities at 3.9 µm voxel resolution.

Application Examples 009

3D microtomo-graphic image of 3D-printed basalt fiber-reinforced PLA composite where matrix, fibers and voids can be clearly distinguished.
(Source: "Analytical study on the 3D-printed structure and mechanical properties of basalt fiber-reinforced PLA composites using X-ray microscopy, Siwon Yu et al, Composites Science and Technology Volume 175, 3 May 2019, Pages 18-27

Application Examples 010

Surface roughness evaluation of an AM printed duct (Ti-6Al-4V); high resolution scan acquired at ~1.7 mm voxel over a ~3.4 mm area